Hi all, hope everyone had a good week. First and foremost, let's all welcome @Tangle0x to the team.

11 Aug 2023, 22:39
Hi all, hope everyone had a good week! First and foremost, let’s all welcome @Tangle0x to the team! 🎉 I’m sure many of you know Tangle from his work at Sushi, LayerZero, and Stargate, and we’re thrilled to have him aboard. You’ll be hearing more from him soon. 👀 We’re moving swiftly toward mevETH launch and continuing to prioritize protocol security and resiliency above all else. We’re still not ready to announce a launch date as we don’t want to artificially rush the critical final stages of hardening our infrastructure and contracts.🔒 We’re expecting the launch to be a watershed moment for Manifold that makes significant waves in the broader Ethereum space. We’ll be shipping a best-in-class product that reflects our committment to security and gives ETH stakers and users of the mevETH token utmost confidence and peace of mind.💧 Thanks, all, for your patience as we complete the work of making mevETH a true game-changer in liquid staking. What’s coming will be more than worth the wait.⏳