Hi all, this week we've been continuing on last week's tasks:.

12 May 2023, 20:55
Hi all, this week we’ve been continuing on last week’s tasks: We’ve continued testing mevETH contracts on testnet and have done a few rounds of refine & redeploy, which will likely continue for another week or so Our MEV team has begun exploring some second-order strategies that we expect to generate revenue for mevETH down the road: these are strategies that likely won’t be live on launch day but will be added in the following weeks/months as they’re ready. Like I’ve talked about before, one of the things that’s particularly exciting about mevETH is the fact that we’ll be able to continue adding more and more MEV and block-building/block-space strategies over time as we develop them. So the set of strategies that’s live on day one will be smaller than the set that’s live on day 30, day 100, etc. Our validator team is making good progress on infrastructure and opsec. We’re working with an extremely good security firm to harden our validator infrastructure and I think the collaboration is going to provide a lot of benefits for us We’ve continued our streak, now two weeks running, of nobody on the team getting hit by a car That’s it for now. Hope everyone has a good weekend! 🐙